Virtual Body Wraps Training Course
Pre-requisites: None. Age over 16+
A popular treatment at most Salons and Spas. There are many types of spa body wrap treatments used for variety of reasons, helping clients to tone, soften the skin and remove toxins, excess inches and water in the body. Usually made from a combination of natural minerals and herbs. The benefits are noticed right away and offer you repeat business.
A demonstration of the full body wrap using blankets with demonstration of the exfoliation process, followed by body mask, wrapping the body using a thermal foil blanket and towels and then mask removal (without shower)and then body moisturising will begiven and students will then work on each other.
Your course will cover
Introduction to body brushing, body exfoliation and body wrapping
Health & safety
Hygiene & sterilisation
Professional ethics
Skin diseases &disorders
Related anatomy &physiology
Contra indications
Consultation and recordkeeping
Treatment planning &client care
Consultation and recordkeeping
Demonstration of body exfoliation /body brushing & body wrapping
Benefits & effects
Materials, equipment &products
Practical procedure
Contra actions
After care